Sunday, March 1, 2009

Digna Ochoa

I just completed reading Betrayed The Assassination of Digna Ochoa by Linda Diebal. This book primarily deals with the murder of a Mexican human rights lawyer in 2001 and the cover up by Mexican officials to present it as a suicide.

This book clearly goes to the underside of Mexican human rights abuses. It discusses in great detail the torture, murders and disappearances of Mexican citizens. It spends a great deal of time outlining the plight of indigenous Indians.

A disturbing and intense book. A disturbing and intense topic.


Calypso said...

Great synopsis - must have been a hard read with the school skirmish playing out at the same time? In any case thanks - will find the book ;-)

Frankly Ronda said...

C - I am merely a visitor in this Country so try to balance forming too many judgements. This book though is tough to read. It is hard knowing what horrible things one human can do to another human -here and many other places in the world - all through time. When will we stop?

VisitLaManzanilla said...

I will look for the book. I've been reading many books on Mexican history and it's been enlightening, and helps to put in context our new country.