Event #1 - School Celebration
Youngest Son’s Birthday fell during Spring Break so we took cake, candy and juice to his K3 class on the last day before Spring Break. Husband’s Aunt and Aunt’s Friend were visiting during this time so they were able to participate in this class celebration. The preschoolers were SO enthusiastic and friendly and cute and loud.
Youngest Son’s Birthday fell during Spring Break so we took cake, candy and juice to his K3 class on the last day before Spring Break. Husband’s Aunt and Aunt’s Friend were visiting during this time so they were able to participate in this class celebration. The preschoolers were SO enthusiastic and friendly and cute and loud.
Youngest Son has a Sweet Buddy who he was in class with for 4 years before we Moved to Mexico. Best Buddy’s birthday is the day after Youngest Son’s birthday. A couple months ago Youngest Son requested Sweet Buddy and his family come visit for their shared birthday and They Did! Youngest Son excitedly planned to take the Pirate Cruise for their big birthday event. It was eventful alright. Youngest Son was chosen to play the Pirate’s Son in the skit – he was thrilled! During our beach respite, the kids participated in a treasure hunt, played in surf and road the banana boat to many times to count. BUT, Sweet Buddy’s Mom was very, very, very seasick – I felt so bad for her.
We invited Other American Family with their 3 boys over for piñata, cake, swimming and soccer to celebrate with both Youngest Son and Sweet Buddy. We then went to local fish resturant and our 3 families shared a wonderful dinner. Although Sweet Buddy did take a mouth full of pepper dip thinking it was guacamole - poor thing - he was in tears - he did recover but OUCH.
Once again we are blessed with the diversity of our deliberate life. Sweet Buddy and his family live in USA but are originally from Turkey and are Muslim. The highlight of all the celebratory events was the singing of Happy Birthday in 4 LANGUAGES: Spanish, Turkish, Hebrew and English. Wow.
This sounds like it was so much fun! How is your oldest son doing?
LL - We did have such a great time. Youngest Son is quite the social creature so he was on cloud 9!
Oldest Son seems fully recovered. Played and Swam today so guess we dodged that bullet.
Wow this sounds like a blast, how cool that his friend got to come. I love the part about singing Happy birthday in 4 languages. Glad to hear your oldest if feeling better.
Happy birthday big man, sounds like a lot of celebrating, lucky little guy! Pirate adventures are awesome for kids of all ages. Too bad about the seasickness, ouch! Glad Oldest Son is feeling better.
A - I was awe struck by the moment of the 4 languages. Really.
CC - I so agree! The Pirate Ship excursion is a favorite for all of us.
I want to come back as one of your sons ;-)
C - So funny. I do too!!! I have said it many times.
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