We have been very busy settling in the past few days. We have already done so much!

On Thursday, Other American Family (Other Mom, Other Dad, 3 Boys) and our family picked up USA Friends (2 Dads and Son) from Cruise Ship. We caravanned to the Zip Lines. So fun. Above you can see Oldest Son jumping into river after we did all the Zip Lines. The 6 Boys had a great time swimming and playing on the large boulders.

Then we went back into town. The 6 Boys then opted to swim in the ocean. You can see where 6 Boys have hastily abandoned shoes for the sand and surf.

On Friday, we finally were able to move into our small villa (2 bedroom w/ kitchen) in a "resorty kinda of place" for the month. The view above is from our balcony and shows the haze of the rainy season approaching. I was able to get a really, really reasonable deal for this low season month! Husband has been busy setting up Skype lines and computers and cables and internet so we can work remote this month.
We are right next door to where Other American Family lives. So on Saturday, Youngest Son spent 5 hours building sand fort with Other Youngest Son (age 6) and Other Middle Son (age 8) while Oldest Son alternated body surfing and pool play with Other Oldest Son (age 10.) Husband went to Mega to stock our kitchen - it was the usual spotty experience - some stuff there and some stuff not so much.
And this Sunday morning, the crabs were moving about in multitudes as happens every year as the rainy season starts. Youngest Son carefully shows his morning catch. We do, of course, practice catch and release.
I have not written about our Friday night yet - quite the night - next post!
silly bandz...i see silly bandz...your kids must love them too!
Despite my purple heart (or would that be foot), I vote yes for ziplines. Any time. Anywhere.
OMG - you guys sure are busy!!!!
The kids must be in heaven!
Again, welcome back!!!
S - Oh yes, Youngest Son has embraced the Silly Bandz craze. Are they in MX yet?
SC - We really enjoy Zip Lines. This was our 3rd time to do this particular one. The Guides were awesome. They actually rode with us so we could go upside down, hands free - little scarey but fun.
OMT - They are in heaven. We are actually glad to hit a slower more Mexican pace this week. We are happy to be here :)
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