This continues yesterday's unfortunate event ...
This MorningHusband and I went into school office to talk with Director. She was not there. Assistant says there is no availability today to meet. We explain our situation and indicate we must have a meeting today. Reluctantly we are given an afterschool appointment.
This AfternoonWe see Oldest Son briefly before our meeting and he indicates there has been a Misunderstanding. Really.
We sit down with Director. Director is an attractive, well-spoken and fairly dynamic woman who speaks 4 languages. She immediately explains to us:
(1) That a parent on the Parent Committee felt that native English speakers should be not be eligible to present the country information in English at The Expo (this parent was aware of Oldest Son's role.)
(2) The Teacher misunderstood and relayed to Oldest Son and whole class that it had to be a child born in Mexico (this goes to the definition of who is considered a Mexican Child - note Oldest Son along with 4 other children were eliminated by this definition - even those students who may have a Mexican heritage.)
(3) Director talked with Oldest Son today and gave him the option of presenting the information in Spanish and another child would present in English. Oldest Son enthusiastically agreed to be the Spanish-speaking Spokesperson for Germany (I suspect to the Director's surprise.)
So Husband and I agree this is a reasonable solution.
CommentaryHusband and I believe that this “explanation” was quickly developed today when Director learned of our afternoon meeting. That is okay though. The fact that Director knew we would not just let this turn of events by without challenge spurred them to provide a workable solution.
Oldest Son is happy and will get a better educational experience by having to do it in Spanish. He already knows it in English but now he will have to practice and make sure he can do it all in Spanish. He is quite confident.
This has been an interesting study in Human Nature.
Bad Judgment. Jealousy. Bigotry.
At its best we had a Director and a Teacher severely mishandle a difficult situation. At its worst, we have Adults exhibiting jealousy and bigotry.
Hurt. Disappointment. Acceptance. Flexibility. Confidence.Oldest Son was raw with hurt and disappointment. With obvious support from us, he quickly accepted his fate and was grateful that we were going to try to talk with Director. He then embraced an alternate approach with confidence.
Anger. Love.
Husband has been very angry. Notable because Husband is a very mild mannered man. I think the combination of his son being hurt and the underlying prejudice sent him over the tipping point. Husband’s love for Oldest Son triggered an intense protectiveness.
Me. Well I have been rather calm. I quickly saw the value of the numerous life lessons to be exploited. Adversity is an important part of life. As a parent, I am grateful for opportunities to build strength and character in my children. I knew this would not permanently damage Oldest Son’s life and he would be stronger as a result.
Note to My Fellow Bloggers Who CommentedThank you so much. Truly. Your comments were supportive, helpful and provided me insight into how to both handle and view this situation. You really did make a difference. Your time and opinions are appreciated. It is a nice feeling to have this extended community to help handle unknown situations in Mexico.