Sunday, October 19, 2008

Our Deserted Marietta Island Experience

We spent the day at the Marietta Islands yesterday.

We went out with a local dive shop and 6 scuba divers. Since not a traditional snorkeling/beach group, the Dive Master adjusted to accommodate us.

Our 1st stop was snorkeling. Upon entry to the water, we were surrounded by grouper and clown fish. You could touch them! It was wonderful. Oldest Son actually got a fish bite when he was feeding them bread. We snorkeled all around for a couple hours and saw lots of sea life including a balloon fish, damselfish, Moorish idol and colorful crabs. Before leaving that spot Oldest Son and Youngest Son did a jumping, flip, diving, twisting show off the side of boat while singing that "You gotta move it, move it" song replacing "move it" with descriptions of their jump of the moment. Youngest Son is quite proud of his bootie move.

We had confirmed we would be able to spend some time on a beach in area. Confirmation does not include details! The boat pulls up to a beautiful, beautiful set of islands. There is a small beach area against some cliffs. The water is every shade of blue and turquoise. Dive Master says he will drop the family here and they will come back for us after their dive. Husband and I did not have time to react really - we just started applying sunscreen and donning our swimming gear. Over the side of boat we go and swim to beach! Husband gets caught in riptide but finally gets to beach. There we are. Absolutely no way to communicate with outside world or leave. Deserted truly.

So we have a unique and joyful two hours. We have 2 bottles of water, sand, beach, rough surf and some caves. No lounge chairs, no cabana boy, no tropical drinks, no floats, no toys. I was supremely relaxed. Husband was a bit anxious in case we had a medical emergency (he is the safety side of our marriage.)

We talked about what we would do if boat did not come back. SOS with sticks perhaps. Youngest Son caught a crab and announced that he had his dinner!

But, the boat did come back. We were a bit nervous about swimming from beach to boat but other than swallowing some salt water, we got back easily.

As with all outings in Mexico, we got the expected unexpected.
See the island beach below as we pull away:


Bob Mrotek said...

You really made me smile with this post. It sounded a bit like you actually found Gilligan's Island. The only thing that could make it more charming is if the boat had been named the S.S. Minnow :)

Theresa in Mèrida said...

That would be me too, I wouldn't think about the medical emergency part or communicating until AFTER they pulled away. I haven't commented lately but I want to say that I am happy that your adventure is turning out so well.
Didn't I tell you not to worry,that the kids would start speaking Spanish? If only adults could do it so easily.

Steve Cotton said...

What a great adventure! I love going to the Mariettas. On my last trip, just as the boat pulled away, I lost my left fin. As I grabbed for it, my mask slipped off my head and it sank. (The mask, not my head.) But it all turned out just fine. Just like your trip. I keep thinking of the joyous tales your boys are going to be able to tell all their lives. What a gift you have given them!

Nancy said...

I am a worrier so I can identify with your thoughts about the boat coming back.

BUT, I can tell you that life is so much more joyful if you can let go of your itchy need to worry and just believe in the goodness of people and in your own scrappy ability to figure it out if something unexpected happens.

And if something unexpected happens it will probably be the thing that makes you learn and grow and find out what you're made of.

Frankly Ronda said...

B - It was so funny when we saw the boat suface on the horizon - like we were not quite sure it would come back

T - It was a good thing we did not have time to think. I am traveling WAY more than expected but we are making the most of our moments. I am so very proud of the boys and their Spanish.

S - Oh MY! I guess you just have to laugh when those things happen. The Mariettas are so beautiful. Our move is just so great for the boys in so many ways.

N - My Husband needs your good advice!