Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fishing around the Marietta Islands

As the sun was rising, we headed out to go fishing yesterday morning.
The skipjacks were schooling everywhere. The kids (we had all 5 boys with us - our 2 and the Other American Family's 3) caught a few as we trolled around. We later used them for bait.

Other American Dad caught a Tuna but not the kind you can eat. I did not even know there was a kind you could not eat?? See below.

Both Husband and Other American Dad both caught a large silver and white fish. While fun to reel in, we could not eat these either. See below.
For the first time, both Oldest Son and Youngest Son got sea sick - they took care of their business over side of boat and did not complain.
It was a beautiful morning. I could ride in a boat on the ocean all day every day.


Steve Cotton said...

Maybe you have a new career path in front of you: skipper of The Minnow.

Ginger said...

Great pics! I look forward each week to your posts! This adventure for you and your family will never be forgotten.

When you become Skipper of the Minnow - please choose me as your
1st Mate!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry the boys got sick. Hope y'all are doing well.

Uncle John