Friday, March 28, 2008

In Mexico

Other American Family in Mexico graciously offers to let us stay in their home while exploring Mexico. We continue our exploration. We arrive in Mexico March 10, 2008.

Can I really work here? We set up my computer with internet through phone service and hook up Vonage phone (about $25 US per month.) Wow. It is as though I am sitting at American Home Office. The time zone is reasonable for conference calls. CHECK.

How is school?
We visit school twice. First we tour it on Tuesday. It looks nice. It is preschool through 12th grade with about 300 students. It is local private school with mostly Mexican children. The school is 50% English and 50% Spanish. Facilities are clean and well kept. Kids look very happy. Administrator gives us a 2nd grade Spanish reader to bring home. Through the week we encounter people whose kids go there or went there. On Thursday, we leave a check for deposit (more on this check later) and we collect forms that need to be completed. CHECK.

Can we live here? We meet with realtors to look at property on both Tuesday and Thursday. Yes, we can live here. There seems to be two options. Live in Mexican Village near ocean or live in Marina Area in gated townhouse community. CHECK.

Do we like the area? On the beach. Surrounded by hills. Amazing March weather. Beautiful. (and on practical note - close to the airport.) CHECK.

Husband has decided it is a go. I am realizing this may really happen and get a little scared.

Back to American Home we go.

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