Saturday, July 19, 2008

Over the Border

Mazel Tov! - Today
We are here in Mexico again! We crossed the border easily. Border Patrol did direct us over for inspection but they looked at couple items and sent us on our way - 3 minutes at the most. No questions about the Car Permit on our windshield (that we should have turned in 2 weeks ago when leaving Mexico.) Perhaps it was the Mexico National Futbol shirt Husband had on ...

So we arrived at the Hampton Inn in Saltillo at 7:00 pm, ate dinner next door, bathed and in comfortable beds by 8:15 pm. We had a family toast at dinner - To Life! La Chaim! A La Vida! - milk for kids, cervaza for me and tequila for Husband.

"The Roof Raising" - Yesterday
To say the last couple of weeks in USA have been rough, stressful and tiring would be a huge understatement.

Yesterday was very special. First, I called College Friend in desperation since the young man we had hired to help us had to leave early. She came over immediately. She picked up our new mirror and the dry cleaning, attached ceiling fan lights and blades, installed vents and blinds, sorted through "stuff" and kept me sane.

Second, many of our closest Friends came over with their own dinner (and ours too) to let kids swim and play and say good bye. They came bearing goodies, cards and well wishes. They all pitched in to help us in this final push.

The car was packed with boxes and then "tons" of items left to cram into all the in between space. I thought there was no way. In less than 10 minutes, our spatially gifted friends had loaded every single item! I do not think there was a square inch not utilized. I was shocked, amazed, impressed, relieved and grateful.

Friends went with Husband to storage, swept the garage, hung and sorted stuff, watched kids, cleaned floors and much more.

My very Sweet Friend came up to me with Oldest Son's Rice Baby in a basket. She said she would foster him for a year. I wanted to cry. (See April 9th Blog Posting)

All my girlfriends went "shopping" taking cleaning items, toiletries and gift wrap stuff I could not take to Mexico or donate and did not want to through away.

Our Special Friends stayed until 10:30 helping to the bitter end.

Youngest Son spent the night next door, Oldest Son and I spent night across the street and Husband in our house. Thank goodness for caring neighbors!

There was Chaos, Friendship and Love. It was like an Old Fashioned Barn Raising where everyone comes together to help their neighbors, family and friends. There could not have been a more perfect send off.

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