Friday, July 11, 2008

We are still in the Good Ole USA

We are still here. It just takes time to get it all done.

Still no renters for American House. We have had several lookers but always come in 2nd!

Projected date of departure for Permanent Residence in Mexico: Saturday, 7/19, 5:30 am.


Theresa in Mèrida said...

Do they tell you why they decide against the house? Is it the amount of the rent? What do other houses in your price range look like? You might lower the rent, but make it an odd number, instead of $1500 make it $1439. a month, it's weird but that helps sell stuff. It makes it look like you were really thinking about the price....Maybe have a home stager look at it.

Beth said...

Good luck with the house rental stuff. Things like that can certainly be a pain. Are you missing Mexico yet? :)

The Cohens said...

Hi. We just rented out our house because we are moving to England for a year. After several near hits via word-of-mouth, we used Craigslist, which landed us a great family.